Church Alive offers a warm and inviting environment where individuals can connect with Jesus, experience the power of community, and where everyone is embraced with open arms. Our mission is to provide a space where individuals can have genuine encounters with Christ, explore their unique talents, and utilize them to honor God. We invite you to join us for our uplifting Sunday services and be a part of our vibrant community!

When And Where We Meet


10:00 am
4601 Avocet rd Albuquerque NM 87114

What To Expect

Join us for a delightful 90-minute service with a perfect blend of contemporary and traditional music, passionately led by our talented worship team. During service, your elementary-aged little ones will be well taken care of with childcare right down the hall nearby. After the service, stick around to connect with fellow worshipers and make new friends, creating a wonderful atmosphere of fellowship.

How Should I Dress?

We care more about you than what you wear. However, it's worth mentioning that most people prefer a California casual style at our services. The best approach is to dress in a way that makes you feel most comfortable - whether wearing shorts or suits. Either way, you'll blend in perfectly.

What Are The Messages Like?

Every Sunday, our aim is to present the eternal teachings of the Bible in a manner that captivates and relates to your everyday experiences. Our messages are firmly rooted in Scripture, with a special focus on the transformative power of the New Creation and the profound significance of the cross.

What About My Kids?

When you arrive at Church Alive, you'll notice a hallway to the right as you enter the main lobby. Our dedicated Kids Alive Team members, who are fully trained and background-checked, will assist you with checking in your child. During check-in, you'll receive a receipt sticker that you'll need to present when picking up your child after the service. It's crucial to keep track of these stickers for the safety of your children and to ensure that only authorized individuals can collect them. Rest assured, Kids Alive is exclusively staffed by Church Alive members in good standing who have undergone background checks and received ongoing training to provide the best possible experience for your children!

Whats Available During The Week?

At Church Alive, our primary goal is to bring everyone back into a deep connection with Christ and each other. There are many paths to achieve this, but one of the most effective ways is through our Life Group and Life Team environments. These groups typically consist of 5-20 individuals, creating an enjoyable setting for positive interactions. Look at our diverse range of Life Groups, join one that resonates with you, and immerse yourself in the experience!

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