
Over the years,  our pastors have penned insightful reflections. Explore their writings to enrich your faith journey!

The unpuzzled journey

Imagine if you could read the narrative of Jesus Christ in one full seamless story, using every detail found in all four gospels of the Bible. What would you learn along the way? Would it uniquely enlighten you? Would it clarify events that may have confused you in the past?

 The four gospel accounts found in the Bible were each written to a different audience for various purposes. While reading one story, it can be challenging to envision the complete account of what genuinely took place. Much like having a puzzle piece and trying to match it to the full picture.

 The Unpuzzled Journey dares to take on the challenge of puzzling these pieces together so that you can visualize His journey on this earth. This resource brings the gospels together in an exclusive way and unlocks enigmas rarely seen before in His journey.