Church Alive offers Life Group in a three-semester rotation: Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Do you ever have the urge to buy school supplies in early August? Do you feel like the world winds down to a slow crawl from Thanksgiving to New Year's? Do you find yourself eager for a fresh start when spring arrives? We have all grown up in the modern educational system and are wired to associate feelings of new beginnings and inherent endings with the year's seasons. There is a natural flow in how we relate to the progression of our months. Our educational structure defines our culture. People adhere to the rhythm of the educational system throughout their developmental years. As grown-ups, that doesn’t change. Either our lives still revolve around the academic calendar because we have kids in school, or we are likely involved in some form of continuing education ourselves. Even the farthest removed adult feels like they should get a summer vacation. We know that and intrinsically respond to the structure of this system. This truth plays a significant role in developing Church Alive's semester-based Life Group philosophy. The same type of system we have all been in for most of our lives also works best for Life Groups. That is, a semester-based system, modeled after the prevalent American educational calendar. People grow best through built-in “stress and release” periods that make up the school year. In other words, we grow most effectively in a semester-based system. Semesters are, by definition, time-bound. While most Life Group philosophies tell you that groups need to last anywhere from 18 months until death-do-us-part, 8 to 12 weeks is the perfect length for a healthy group. When you put time-bound groups in place and mold them around the natural flow of the academic year, you encourage more people to sign up. Also, you guard against the genuine danger of stagnation and open the door for new guests to participate.

What to expect

What are your goals for the group?

That friendships are strengthened or developed
That the Bible is being applied in a practical way
That prayer for one another is taking place.

Are there different types of groups?

Absolutely. Every group develops its unique identity and emphasis. For some, it revolves around a hobby or personal interest, while others engage in profound studies of the word. Some groups are dedicated to community involvement. Occasionally, we observe groups that cater to specific age or gender demographics. For further information, refer to the group description.

Where do groups meet?

Groups gather in different venues, with some choosing to meet at home, while others prefer the church patio or the portable building. Occasionally, we hold Zoom meetings, and we've also have gatherings at parks or coffee shops. The choice of location largely depends on the group's arrangement. For further details, please refer to the description.

What should I wear?

In almost all cases dress is casual

Can I bring my friends?

Of course! As long as they are not a distraction to you, the facilitator, and others they are welcome.

how do I sign up?

We fight hard to make it crystal clear how to sign up for a group at Church Alive. Here are three particularly useful ways:
1. Sign Up During Our Weekend Service.
Signing up during service is the most common way to join a Life Group. As you enter the Church Alive facility for our Weekend Service. During the announcement rotation, you will see a Life banner with a QR code that says, "join a group." Use that code to take you directly to our listings of groups.
2. Use Our Website.
We have a direct link at that will take you straight to the Life Group information on our website. Feel free to use it and sign up with minimal effort. Or click on the tab above that says, "Join A Life Group."
3. Sign Up at the Connections Station in the Lobby.
Many of our group leaders are available after service in the lobby near the Life Group table. They will be wearing a blue lanyard. They will be familiar with our Life Group environment and will have a general knowledge of all groups available. You can sign up at the table in just a few seconds.
4. Church Center App.
Church Alive has a Church Center App that allows you to register on your phone.
iPhone   Google play

90 Minutes or less

Time is a valuable commodity. It should never be wasted and must to be prioritized. At Church Alive we believe that setting aside the time to engage with Christ and other believers in life-giving fellowship is of high importance. It serves as an indispensable aid for your spiritual growth and personal health. Therefore, we ask you to prioritize your time and engage in a Life Group.
Simultaneously, we want to be respectful of your time. That is why we have asked our Life group leaders to make the first meeting, and every meeting to follow, 90 minutes or less. We have asked them to keep from dragging beyond that time limit. On rare occasions, a Life Group may require a longer meeting time. If this becomes necessary, as much as possible, we will look to disclose that with you ahead of time.

Is There Childcare?

That depends on the group. Some have the capacity, while others do not. The group description should inform you.

How long are groups in session?

Under most circumstances we follow a ten week semesters with three semesters per year. Some groups may go longer or chose to unofficially meet during off times.

What if I sign up but don't like it?

First we encourage you to spend at least a few weeks in your environment as it takes time to grow comfortable with one another. If you are still having trouble adjusting, feel free to inform the group leader of the challenges you are facing. Finally, if your group is still not working out, you can always wait for the next semester around the corner to find a group that will work for you.

Where do I buy book curriculum?

Almost every book we use is available on Amazon; both new and used, usually for a very low cost. In many cases the group may not require material cost at all. You can find that information out by looking at the group description. Feel free to ask the group leader if you need assistance.