Goal $35,000 - Now until January 29, 2023!

Dear Church Alive Family,
I am excited to share information regarding the VISION Offering that begins now and continues through January 29, 2023. Over the last year, we have worked extremely hard to partner with essential ministries and thrive in our outreach here in Northwest Albuquerque. We have done all we can to "give the people of Albuquerque the best opportunity to become fully- developing followers of Jesus."
Over the past year, we impacted our neighbor's across the street and our neighbor's across the globe:
Thanksgiving Outreach:
We have just concluded our annual Thanksgiving outreach, and though it was cold, we were more successful than ever. We counted 8 salvations that morning, ensured our community had a good meal for Thanksgiving and included our partners from Overland Missions to jump in.
NM Dreamcenter Golf Tournament:
We helped Shelly Repp and the NM Dreamcenter create a long-term sustainable income stream for their building project to help youth and trafficked children. We helped develop the infrastructure and were a major sponsor in its maiden voyage. Plans are already underway for next year's tournament!
King of Kings Conference:
We came alongside our partners with Overland Missions in Zambia to help host over 30 African Kings and over 130 Chieftans throughout the continent. To our knowledge, an event like this has NEVER taken place. They came together to worship the Lord and we played a part.
There are just the highlights of many success stories in 2022!
With this Special Offering, we can expand our VISION in our community, enlarge our ministry, and engage others outside the church.
The offering will support 6 vital ministry initiates:
I hope you will carefully read over the following documents to learn about this exciting opportunity for us to give sacrificially. Will you begin praying now about what God would have you give, over and above your regular giving, to this Special Offering? Allow God to stretch your faith!
Let's move forward in faith together,
Mike Schaefer
Founding Pastor
Goal: $35,000
Now Through January 29, 2023
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1
This end-of-the-year offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $35,000 for six ministry initiatives:
Write the amount of your gift on the line designated "IMPACT" and either mail the envelope to the Church Alive office or drop it in the offering on Sunday. You can also use the Church Alive app or the "give" tab @ churchaliveabq.com.
The enclosed documents will give you an overview of the end-of-the-year offering and answer many common questions. However, if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Jason Kimberly or me at 505.896.2800 or jason@churchaliveabq.com.
Investing in Global and U.S. Missions
We believe that we are a "church that starts churches" and a church supporting missions. This focus will continue as we have an excellent opportunity to assist missionaries worldwide who reach out to every identified group, especially those in highly unchurched countries. We will designate a portion of the Special Offering to support North American Missionaries and International Missionaries through cooperative efforts with other mission-minded ministries. Through our partnerships with Rhema International and Overland Missions, the opportunities to expand the kingdom of God are global. Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself in the mission field this year!
Maximizing local ministry partnerships
Through the unique end-of-the-year offering, we can make a difference in the lives of those in our community, both spiritually and physically. We want to continue to reach our community through outreach efforts. We believe that together we can continue to show God's love in a practical way when we make it a priority across our church.
Providing hope to those who do not know Jesus
Our evangelism efforts have never been more aggressive. In 2023 we plan to implement even more! Incorporated in this initiative is the staffing to pull this off. Our goal is to have three interns on staff this calendar year to expand the kingdom of God in our community.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." - Matthew 28:19-20
Aiding the less fortunate in the city
From community impact drives to supporting local ministries with basic food and shelter insecurities, you can help! Together we can IMPACT individuals and families in desperate need!
Caring for those hurting in our church
From time to time, within our church family settings, we have families who need assistance. You can help!
Expand the Church Alive campus to impact our community in greater ways
It's time to cast vision into the Church Alive campus to increase its effectiveness in our community. Our plans are to enter Phase #1 this year, which is the brainstorming and site development.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why a Special Offering?
As part of God's plan to grow the people's faith in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time. This Special Offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in 2023. This offering is not because we are behind on budget but rather to position us to make a more significant impact in our community, our church, and around the world in 2023.
What's the Difference Between the Regular Offering and this Special Offering?
The regular Church Alive offering is the proportional amount (the full tithe of 10%) that we set apart systematically and give throughout the year. There are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way from time to time. This Special Offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith. The VISION Offering should be over and above what you regularly give.
How Much Should I Give?
Since the goal is $35,000, this Special Offering will involve everyone. Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift that will stretch your faith. The precise amount you give is between you and God. Some in our church can give a $5,000, $10,000 or even a $15,000 gift. Others will be able to give between $100 and $500. The issue is not equal giving but equal sacrifice. What amount can you give that will stretch your faith?
Why the Goal?
We are a church that dares to dream big dreams for God. The ministries supported by this offering are BIG – supporting global and U.S. missions, sharing God's love with our area through Servant Evangelism and Community Ministry, becoming self-sufficient, and enhancing Kids Alive's experience on Sunday. Big dreams require big faith and big funding. Your gifts assist in accomplishing these big dreams to this Special Offering.
When Should I Give?
The best time to give will be the first Sunday after receiving this packet. Would you please pray about making your best gift on that day? However, you can continue to give until January 29, 2023. Please use the "VISION" area on the regular offering envelopes or include a note designating your gift for the Special Offering. Remember, consistent contributions over time add up – a person giving $50 per week over ten weeks will provide $500 to this Special Offering.
Can I Give Online Via Bank Check or Through Auto-Debit?
Yes. When you give at churchaliveabq.com via online giving, select the "IMPACT" under the "Fund" drop-down menu. Likewise, you can use your online bank payment option to send a check to the church office directly. Again, mark in the memo area that your gift is for the "Christmas offering."
Are My Gifts Tax-Deductible?
Whether via the regular offering or this Special Offering, all gifts to Church Alive are entirely tax-deductible. Your contribution will be deductible in the tax year given (i.e., gifts given in 2020 will be deductible on your 2020 taxes).
Please be sure to include your name and address when you give to receive a receipt for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax-deduction for your gift, but it is available for all donations.
How Did We Arrive at a $35,000 Goal?
The Church Alive Pastors prayerfully set the $35,000 goal. It is approximately six times our regular weekly giving. It is a God-sized goal that can only be accomplished through 100% participation and sacrificial giving by our Church Alive attendees and family members. Since we expect God to bless this Special Offering, we've determined that any amount over and above our goal will be divided equally between Missions and Ministry Advancement.
How Will I Know if We Reach Our Goal?
Would you please pray for God's guidance as we all give sacrificially? We will update you on our progress through our weekly email updates and Sunday services. Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what we can do together as we stretch our faith under God's leadership.
As a church family throughout 2022, we greatly impacted our community! It was such a pleasure to spend time with ministries in the city and partner with them in their cause.
Last year we raised $32,000, which, when added with the previous three years, puts us just over $100,000 impacting our city and globe! From homeless shelters downtown to villages in Thailand, if you have been a part in any way over the last three years, I want to say thank you! You've stored up treasures in heaven, and a time will come when you will have realized the IMPACT it has made.
Here is a small snapshot of what we accomplished:
Pastor Jason
P.S. Your offering was a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God. The same God who takes care of us will also supply all our needs from His glorious riches, which have been given in Christ Jesus.
I am excited to share information regarding the VISION Offering that begins now and continues through January 29, 2023. Over the last year, we have worked extremely hard to partner with essential ministries and thrive in our outreach here in Northwest Albuquerque. We have done all we can to "give the people of Albuquerque the best opportunity to become fully- developing followers of Jesus."
Over the past year, we impacted our neighbor's across the street and our neighbor's across the globe:
Thanksgiving Outreach:
We have just concluded our annual Thanksgiving outreach, and though it was cold, we were more successful than ever. We counted 8 salvations that morning, ensured our community had a good meal for Thanksgiving and included our partners from Overland Missions to jump in.
NM Dreamcenter Golf Tournament:
We helped Shelly Repp and the NM Dreamcenter create a long-term sustainable income stream for their building project to help youth and trafficked children. We helped develop the infrastructure and were a major sponsor in its maiden voyage. Plans are already underway for next year's tournament!
King of Kings Conference:
We came alongside our partners with Overland Missions in Zambia to help host over 30 African Kings and over 130 Chieftans throughout the continent. To our knowledge, an event like this has NEVER taken place. They came together to worship the Lord and we played a part.
There are just the highlights of many success stories in 2022!
With this Special Offering, we can expand our VISION in our community, enlarge our ministry, and engage others outside the church.
The offering will support 6 vital ministry initiates:
- Investing in global missions
- Maximizing local ministry partnerships
- Providing hope to those who do not know Jesus
- Aiding the less fortunate in our city
- Caring for those hurting in our church
- Expand the Church Alive campus to impact our community in greater ways
I hope you will carefully read over the following documents to learn about this exciting opportunity for us to give sacrificially. Will you begin praying now about what God would have you give, over and above your regular giving, to this Special Offering? Allow God to stretch your faith!
Let's move forward in faith together,
Mike Schaefer
Founding Pastor
Goal: $35,000
Now Through January 29, 2023
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1
This end-of-the-year offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $35,000 for six ministry initiatives:
Write the amount of your gift on the line designated "IMPACT" and either mail the envelope to the Church Alive office or drop it in the offering on Sunday. You can also use the Church Alive app or the "give" tab @ churchaliveabq.com.
The enclosed documents will give you an overview of the end-of-the-year offering and answer many common questions. However, if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Jason Kimberly or me at 505.896.2800 or jason@churchaliveabq.com.
Investing in Global and U.S. Missions
We believe that we are a "church that starts churches" and a church supporting missions. This focus will continue as we have an excellent opportunity to assist missionaries worldwide who reach out to every identified group, especially those in highly unchurched countries. We will designate a portion of the Special Offering to support North American Missionaries and International Missionaries through cooperative efforts with other mission-minded ministries. Through our partnerships with Rhema International and Overland Missions, the opportunities to expand the kingdom of God are global. Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself in the mission field this year!
Maximizing local ministry partnerships
Through the unique end-of-the-year offering, we can make a difference in the lives of those in our community, both spiritually and physically. We want to continue to reach our community through outreach efforts. We believe that together we can continue to show God's love in a practical way when we make it a priority across our church.
Providing hope to those who do not know Jesus
Our evangelism efforts have never been more aggressive. In 2023 we plan to implement even more! Incorporated in this initiative is the staffing to pull this off. Our goal is to have three interns on staff this calendar year to expand the kingdom of God in our community.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." - Matthew 28:19-20
Aiding the less fortunate in the city
From community impact drives to supporting local ministries with basic food and shelter insecurities, you can help! Together we can IMPACT individuals and families in desperate need!
Caring for those hurting in our church
From time to time, within our church family settings, we have families who need assistance. You can help!
Expand the Church Alive campus to impact our community in greater ways
It's time to cast vision into the Church Alive campus to increase its effectiveness in our community. Our plans are to enter Phase #1 this year, which is the brainstorming and site development.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why a Special Offering?
As part of God's plan to grow the people's faith in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time. This Special Offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in 2023. This offering is not because we are behind on budget but rather to position us to make a more significant impact in our community, our church, and around the world in 2023.
What's the Difference Between the Regular Offering and this Special Offering?
The regular Church Alive offering is the proportional amount (the full tithe of 10%) that we set apart systematically and give throughout the year. There are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way from time to time. This Special Offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith. The VISION Offering should be over and above what you regularly give.
How Much Should I Give?
Since the goal is $35,000, this Special Offering will involve everyone. Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift that will stretch your faith. The precise amount you give is between you and God. Some in our church can give a $5,000, $10,000 or even a $15,000 gift. Others will be able to give between $100 and $500. The issue is not equal giving but equal sacrifice. What amount can you give that will stretch your faith?
Why the Goal?
We are a church that dares to dream big dreams for God. The ministries supported by this offering are BIG – supporting global and U.S. missions, sharing God's love with our area through Servant Evangelism and Community Ministry, becoming self-sufficient, and enhancing Kids Alive's experience on Sunday. Big dreams require big faith and big funding. Your gifts assist in accomplishing these big dreams to this Special Offering.
When Should I Give?
The best time to give will be the first Sunday after receiving this packet. Would you please pray about making your best gift on that day? However, you can continue to give until January 29, 2023. Please use the "VISION" area on the regular offering envelopes or include a note designating your gift for the Special Offering. Remember, consistent contributions over time add up – a person giving $50 per week over ten weeks will provide $500 to this Special Offering.
Can I Give Online Via Bank Check or Through Auto-Debit?
Yes. When you give at churchaliveabq.com via online giving, select the "IMPACT" under the "Fund" drop-down menu. Likewise, you can use your online bank payment option to send a check to the church office directly. Again, mark in the memo area that your gift is for the "Christmas offering."
Are My Gifts Tax-Deductible?
Whether via the regular offering or this Special Offering, all gifts to Church Alive are entirely tax-deductible. Your contribution will be deductible in the tax year given (i.e., gifts given in 2020 will be deductible on your 2020 taxes).
Please be sure to include your name and address when you give to receive a receipt for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax-deduction for your gift, but it is available for all donations.
How Did We Arrive at a $35,000 Goal?
The Church Alive Pastors prayerfully set the $35,000 goal. It is approximately six times our regular weekly giving. It is a God-sized goal that can only be accomplished through 100% participation and sacrificial giving by our Church Alive attendees and family members. Since we expect God to bless this Special Offering, we've determined that any amount over and above our goal will be divided equally between Missions and Ministry Advancement.
How Will I Know if We Reach Our Goal?
Would you please pray for God's guidance as we all give sacrificially? We will update you on our progress through our weekly email updates and Sunday services. Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what we can do together as we stretch our faith under God's leadership.
As a church family throughout 2022, we greatly impacted our community! It was such a pleasure to spend time with ministries in the city and partner with them in their cause.
Last year we raised $32,000, which, when added with the previous three years, puts us just over $100,000 impacting our city and globe! From homeless shelters downtown to villages in Thailand, if you have been a part in any way over the last three years, I want to say thank you! You've stored up treasures in heaven, and a time will come when you will have realized the IMPACT it has made.
Here is a small snapshot of what we accomplished:
- NM Dreamcenter (human trafficking locally)
- Teen and Adult Challenge of NM
- King of Kings Conference
- Church building project (on pause but ready to go) in Thailand
- Local churches in partnership with Dr. Leon - helping those trying to escape Ukraine
- Carenet
- Benevolence within the church
- Missionaries through Rhema and Overland
- Thanksgiving Turkey Drive
- Faith Comes by Hearing expanding Bible translation
- and much more...
Pastor Jason
P.S. Your offering was a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God. The same God who takes care of us will also supply all our needs from His glorious riches, which have been given in Christ Jesus.