Alive in Christ... Alive for Others!
The Vision
“I have a dream; God’s dream. I’m dreaming of a people committed to the Master. That is, a people who are personally intent upon his purposes and bringing them about on the earth. A people who are so occupied with obeying the Lord’s specific instructions to them that they do not have time to be involved in another’s business not their own or petty things such as gossip, back biting, putting others down, criticism, etc. But, their time is spent going about the task the Master has given them: the sharing of Christ’s love and life to those they come in contact with and expanding that love and life to the world. I’m dreaming of a well-functioning body of believers harkening unto the voice of the Captain of Hosts, establishing His kingdom rule upon the earth and in the lives of others, and these communities to spring up around the world. A people that so love that it transcends all barriers of race, culture, prejudices, and differences; allowing Christ’s life to flow freely to others and allowing Christ, Himself to express Himself freely in these communities through their cultures., customs and race, etc. A people who not only say Christ is the answer, but show Him forth as the answer in a multitude of simple ways: giving of food, time disciplining, and teaching others to read; for them to live is Christ and the accomplishing of His mission.
I have a dream of that people being the believers of Church Alive! Of them taking God’s grace and letting it flow around the world through them: their lives, their time, their whole hearts committed to the completing of God's mission."
Pastor Mike
I have a dream of that people being the believers of Church Alive! Of them taking God’s grace and letting it flow around the world through them: their lives, their time, their whole hearts committed to the completing of God's mission."
Pastor Mike