What We Do

Life Teams are designed to support Christians in their spiritual growth and to expedite the fulfillment of the Great Commission. These small, well-trained groups collaborate to spread the message of Christ throughout their communities. Team leaders play a crucial role in equipping members through various methods, including teaching, study, role-playing, and encouraging a lifestyle dedicated to the Great Commission.

What We do

Life Teams gather either weekly or every other week, based on the leader's preference and the group's dynamics, with meeting locations changing regularly. Currently, our team convenes at the Church Alive campus at 9:00 am, meeting bi-weekly. See the upcoming section of the website for the next anticipated meeting time.

The idea originates from John G. Lake Ministries in Plano, Texas, led by Curry Blake, who has successfully pioneered this model using Lake's original Divine Healing Technician (DHT) training manual. This manual is still available, and we have copies at our church, as it was the same resource Lake used to train individuals as Divine Healing Technicians. We are proud to be in partnership with them. For many years, Lake's family and friends kept this manual and other materials from the public, but after years of inquiries and discussions, they ultimately entrusted everything to Curry to carry forward. The manual is primarily filled with scripture. Lake structured it around two key statements from Jesus that undermine the power of God's word in our lives. The first is the absence of faith, and the second pertains to human traditions, which Brother Curry refers to as sacred cows. While these traditions can be difficult to confront during self-reflection, they play a crucial role in addressing the obstacles we encounter when trying to operate by God's word.

Before you go out...

An excellent starting point is to tune into the three-day, sixteen-session DHT conference, which we offer for free in our training hub, complete with a downloadable .PDF  file of the DHT training manual. This will provide you with a foundational understanding, but it's merely the beginning. As you delve deeper, you'll find yourself eager to integrate it into your daily life and seek out additional resources, all available at no cost in our training hub. To begin, simply click to request access to our training hub. When submitting your request, be sure to choose DHT as your option, and we will gladly assist you with your login.

What a usually occurs when we meet?

1. We'll kick off with a 20-30 minute discussion focused on a principle from the manual, scripture, or testimony, and we can explore any of these topics! The manual is quite hefty, making it a lengthy process to explore all the scriptures, and the training sessions don't address them fully. What stands out about Lake's method of engaging with God's word is his encouragement for technicians to take their time while reading. He preferred a verse-by-verse approach, structuring the manuals accordingly, which fosters meaningful discussions.

2. We will then dive into a focused prayer session lasting around 20 minutes, where we highly encourage the use of tongues. Please pray with fervor and remain attuned to the Holy Spirit's guidance for that day's direction.

3. Now it's time to head out! Pair up and explore the community for about forty-five minutes to an hour. You can visit places like the mall, grocery store, or local parks. We simply ask that you remain attuned to the Lord's guidance and stick together in pairs for various reasons. In fact, you might even find opportunities to share your faith while picking up your groceries—what a refreshing idea! When larger groups are present, we suggest dividing into specialized teams. One team could concentrate on evangelism, another on utilizing spiritual gifts, and a third on healing.

4. Share your updates. As a member of the Life Team, you'll be able to communicate within the group. Let everyone know what happened during your time in the field. We'll monitor the discussions, and the entire team will join in the celebration!